
Experts recommend that dog owners make sure their pets are up to date on their vaccines and reducing their contact with large numbers of other dogs. 

Hundreds of Dogs Across the U.S. Are Falling Ill With Unknown Respiratory Illness

Researchers are not sure whether a virus or bacteria is causing the pets' ailments

Wildcats appear very similar to domestic cats, but they are slightly larger with longer legs.

Domestic Cats Could Breed Scottish Wildcats Out of Existence

Just a few decades of intermixing affected the DNA of all sampled modern wildcats, researchers say, suggesting the species may be "genomically extinct"

Cats have 26 different facial movements that combine to make 276 distinct expressions, according to a new study.

Cats Make Nearly 300 Different Facial Expressions

From ear position to pupil size, a new study examines how felines express themselves while interacting with one another

Frances Mabel Hollams, Buster, Shandy and Bluett—Dalmatians, 1936

You Could Own Rare Artworks Celebrating Canine Companions

An upcoming "Dog Sale" at Bonhams Scotland features 250 paintings, sculptures and more

Bobi now holds two records for the oldest living dog and the oldest dog ever.

Bobi, the World's Oldest Dog, Dies at 31

The long-lived Portuguese canine broke two world records and captured the hearts of people around the world

Because of their size, cats have relatively short vocal cords—so how are they able to produce such low-frequency sounds when purring?

How Do Cats Purr? Scientists May Now Have an Answer

Domestic cats produce low-frequency vocalizations when purring, an unusual ability for their small size

It was Rebel’s fate, like many caught up in the war, to experience captivity and displacement.

The Dog Who Served on Both Sides of the American Revolution

A newly discovered letter suggests a Newfoundland named Rebel accompanied both Continental and British officers into battle

An illustration of the small dog found at a Roman villa in Oxfordshire, England

Remains of Chihuahua-Sized Dog Unearthed at Roman Britain Villa

The tiny pup was likely a beloved pet, not an animal bred for hunting or herding

The dogs receive training that helps enhance their natural swimming abilities and rescue instincts.

Meet the Lifeguard Dogs Watching Over Beachgoers in Maine

Buoy and Beacon are trained to help human lifeguards rescue swimmers at Scarborough Beach State Park

Dogs sunbathing at the Acropolis

Pets Will Soon Be Welcome at More Than 120 Archaeological Sites in Greece

The new policies won't apply at certain high-traffic destinations like the Acropolis

One of the study's participants was Woofus, a 15-year-old basset hound mix.

Older Dogs With Dementia Sleep Poorly—Just Like Humans

The findings may help veterinarians and pet parents identify canine cognitive decline

Ellie, an 11-year-old Goffin’s cockatoo, video chats with a friend.

Scientists Taught Pet Parrots to Video Call Each Other—and the Birds Loved It

Wild parrots tend to fly in flocks, but when kept as single pets, they may become lonely and bored

David Hockney's Dog Painting 19 (1995)

See How History's Great Artists Painted Their Dogs

A new exhibition showcases portraits of pets by the likes of Leonardo da Vinci and David Hockney

Dog waste bags outside a park in Queens, New York. The maximum fine for not picking up your dog's waste in New York City is $250.

Shoes Carry Poop Bacteria Into NYC Buildings, Study Finds

With "absolutely astonishing" amounts of fecal bacteria on city sidewalks, an expert recommends removing shoes before entering homes

As it turns out, it may not be such a bad idea to share food with your dog.

Eating Table Scraps and Raw Food May Help Protect Dogs Against Stomach Issues

New research finds a link between the foods puppies eat and their gut health later in life

New York is now the sixth state to pass a law banning pet sales in stores, following California, Illinois, Maine, Maryland and Washington.

New York Bans Sale of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits in Pet Stores

The law, meant to combat abusive breeders, will take effect in 2024

Andy Hackett and "The Carrot"

Angler Reels in 67-Pound Goldfish in France

British fisherman Andy Hackett caught and released the colossal creature, nicknamed "The Carrot," while casting at a private fishery

Magic was just another tool in a medieval animal healer's toolbox.

The Veterinary Magic of the Middle Ages

Medieval healers treated animals' ailments with a mix of faith, tradition and science

Previous research has shown that dogs respond to pet-directed speech, but there's less research on cats' responses. 

Cats React to ‘Baby Talk’ From Their Owners, but Not Strangers

New research provides evidence cats see their person as “more than just a food provider”

A new study provides further evidence that dogs really are man's best friend.

Dogs Can Smell When You’re Stressed Out

A small study suggests that highly sensitive canine noses can pick up on the odors that frazzled humans emit

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